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Karen Shears

i have been + since 1989, that is when I was diagnosed anyway. My viral load has always been 50 and now below 20. My T cell count has been between 1200 and 600. it bounces around a bit. I have never taken any meds, and have never had any medical problems. Do you know if I am infectious to others.
Also if I am needed for any studys, I would be more than happy to do so.
Thank you, I look forward to hearing from you.

Daniel Jurado

I am 59 hisp Male involved at Nih research study. I've been an elite controller for over 30yrs never any meds.have establish presence of two Gene's that classify me as such.

J. Jones

I was diagnosed with HIV in 2014 and at that point had a viral load of 50 which went to below 20 after medication I was not consistant with the meds but never dealt with resistance or mutations of my virus. I have been off of meds completely since 2016 with not much change in numbers. Viral load still in the 50's CD4 count in the 1200's. Am I one of these elite controllers?

Richard Jefferys

Sorry to be slow replying, I think the viral load levels mentioned would be considered elite control, if you are interested in more information and/or contributing to research I'd suggest reaching out to the International HIV Controllers Study: http://hivcontrollers.org/hivcontrollers/

Russell Scott

Have been in dialogue for over a year now with a HIV doctor here in Orlando. About one year ago, she said she was unsuccessful with find any open studies. The doctor went on to say that my particular HIV medical condition - asymptomatic, without any drugs. I remember having my first HIV test in Los Angeles around 35 years or so. I have really experienced or demonstrated any of the side-effects or symptoms. I live in Orlando, and would like to become involved in any planned, research studies. Please advise. Thank you. Russell Scott

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