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Corey cited several strategies that are being pursued to increase breadth, including the use of genes from multiple different HIV variants in prime-boost vaccines (heterologous inserts), protein or peptide boosting and prime-boost with differing vaccine vectors (heterologous vectors).

This is particularly frustrating to me since my R01 grant proposal, designed to develop ways of making a broader T cell response, was just turned down, with the main reviewer claiming that immunodominance is simply not important or worth looking at in humans.

Richard Jefferys

Sorry to hear that Ian, but it's helpful to know - TAG is working on some recommendations and responses to the current sturm and drang in HIV vaccine research and clearly one recommendation needs to be that study sections are informed about the key current issues; increasing the payline is obviously vital, but it's not going to help much if important grant proposals get rejected due to ignorance on the part of the reviewers!!

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