Laudably, the HVTN has quickly made last Wednesday's data presentations regarding the Merck HIV vaccine efficacy trial results available online:
- Introduction to the 502 Protocol, Ann Duerr
- Baseline Characteristics of 3,000 Participants in the STEP Trial, Dan Fitgerald
- STEP Trial: Efficacy Analyses, Mike Robertson
- Exploring hypotheses for differential HIV acquisition rates, Susan Buchbinder
- STEP Study: Summary of Results, Steve Self
- A Pathway Toward Understanding the Biological Basis for the Vaccine Efficacy Results, Danny Casimiro, Julie McElrath
- Roundtable Intro: Follow-up of participants in the STEP Trial
- Longer-Term Follow-Up for STEP/HVTN 502, Peter Gilbert, Steve Self, Devan Mehrotra, Ann Duerr
- Why we unblinded Phambili, Glenda Gray